I used to have a set of how to Singer books but sold them ages ago as I don't do dressmaking, furnishings etc. Of course now with my new Bernina 820 I am tempted to try some things again and needed some help.
At the Adelaide Show Can Do Books had a great selection as usual and I found this one which has lots of handy hints of everything from curtains to pleats to zippers to cushions (with great clear photos). So I think it will be a perfect addition to my groaning bookshelves.
Once I am home from Adelaide I have a wonderful few months ahead of creativity - can't wait.
Yes Lisa I know what you mean about the new machine. I am just having a ball trying out different things on my 440 Bernina. I am so pleased I did your workshop which made realise I DID need a new machine.
Just checked US Amazon.com, and no luck, BUT it appears the book is being newly published in the US under a slightly different title:
The Sewing Bible: A Modern Manual of Practical and Decorative Sewing Techniques
Both are 304 pages, so I'm hoping it is the same one... it is due to be released in a couple of days! I could use something more recent than my 1970-ish Vogue Sewing book!
Cheers and thanks for the recommendation! Sarah
It was great to meet you in Adelaide, Lisa. I really love my Dyed and Gone... scrap bag and the Aurora type fabrics I "scored". They really are the sunset in fabric and true inspirations. Thanks for trying to give me confidence that I can to the fibre-stitchy-colour thingy. Maybe one day....
Thanks for the recommendation Lisa. We are out of stock at the moment but expect it within a week so it can be ordered from us, am Australian business, rather than resorting to Amazon.
Glad you like the book! Yes I can confirm that the two books Sew It Up and The Sewing Bible are both the same book really, US and Canda have their own title and cover but the content is the same.
Best wishes
Ruth Singer
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