Thursday, November 18, 2010


I am doing a Watercolour Journal Online Course with Jane LaFazio but unfortunately I really wasn't able to fit my homework in when I was away. I am trying to catch up a little but tomorrow I will get the final lesson and still have to complete last week's one.

I am enjoying it but will probably just do it at my own pace.

These are a few of my latest pieces. I first did the banksia seed pods but for some reason called them Gum nuts. So if you look closely you will see that I have relabelled them Not Gum Nuts.
The flowers are Love in a Mist which are prolific in my garden at the moment due to a random scattering of seeds from a friend's garden. I had trouble getting the right colour but I just call it artistic licence.

I also have some gorgeous pink poppies but will wait for the seed pods as the flowers are a bit beyond me I think.

1 comment:

  1. oh lovely sketches! I'm signed up for Jane's class too... haven't done a thing! I'm saving the lessons tho... I WILL do them soon!
