Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nearly Over

The Quilt Festival and Market are over but I still have one more little treat - a two day trip to San Antonio Texas and the Alamo. The back to Houston and then homeward bound.

I cannot express how much I have enjoyed the last few weeks. I have met so many incredible people and seen and learned so much that my brain is exploding with ideas. Next year is going to be so creative for me I know. Doors I didn't know existed have opened for me and people I have long admired are now called friends. To have been totally immersed in this environment for two weeks is something I know will influence me for a long time. How lucky am I?

I am so grateful to Karey Bresenhan and her fabulous team for making this all possible.


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Truly wonderful Lisa. I am glad it was so rewarding for you. You deserve it!!

  2. Hi Lisa
    great reading the last 2 weeks, I guess your going to sleep forever when you get home. All sounded like a lot of fun not to mention hard yakka.
    Ros Ward
