Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Time to Make Art

One of the great things I enjoyed in Houston was a lunchtime lecture (great food too) with Lesley Riley.
I found her talk really inspiring and have just found my notes which included a link to her website. You can subscribe to her newsletter and immediately get access to her report of 23 Ways to Fit Art into Your Day. How could I resist.


  1. Thanks Lisa, it's always nice to hear how others find time. What an inspiration Lesley is.

  2. OMG, I just read her lecture and it is fantastic. I think it was #8 (I don't remember) but when she talked about having many projects going at once, she spoke to me and I had to keep reading. She's my kind of gal. Thanks so much for this wonderful link.

  3. Thanks so much for directing us to Lesley Riley - what a wonderfully inspirational woman she is. "23 Ways" hit me like a comet, and I'm awaiting her e-newsletter with great excitement!
