Sunday, February 27, 2011

Textured Treasures

I have been teaching my Textured Treasures workshop here in Tasmania to a couple of wonderfully enthusiastic groups. This workshop has been in development for a while and is the basis of my Exhibition in Houston so I am very keen to see how my students work develops.

As a two day workshop we spend one day playing around with paints, inks, metallic foils, shiva sticks to create rubbings, stamps and other painted surface designs. Students carve their own stamps, use rubbing plates and whatever comes to hand to embellish fabrics. The second day they create collages and small quilts with their new fabrics as well as learn basic beading stitches for further embellishment.

There are lots of new experiences for some of the students and many comments about working outside comfort zones and colour palettes. I love seeing the hesitation develop into freedom and some of the fabrics created are truly beautiful. Some pieces turn into whole cloth masterpieces and others are cut and recut with amazing effects.

I am really hoping many of my students will offer their works to me for my Exhibition as I think they really deserve to be seen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Lisa,

    Some lovely pieces came from your workshop students, you must have all had great fun.
