Thursday, March 31, 2011

Houston Exhibition Quilts Underway

An exciting part of my Jewel Pearce Patterson Scholarship  is to mount an exhibition of my work and work of my students.
There are quite a few of us working away on our quilts so I thought I would occasionally let you see what I am up to.

The exhibition is called Textured Treasures and works will be based on my workshop of the same name where we explore different surface design techniques on fabric and then assemble them into textile works based on influences around us.
I am working on a series of pieces based on my travels and the patterns and shapes and colours of Italy and Spain.
My first one is influenced by my love of the work of Anton Gaudi in Barcelona. I was totally wrapped in his organic architecture when we were there last year. His hexagonal design for the paving stones in Barcelona intrigued me to a point where I just had to incorporate them into a quilt. 
I attended a great workshop in Houston with Maggie Weiss on thermofaxing and just had to get my own machine. So I have designed a screen and have spent a couple of days printing up my base fabric.
Now to cut out the 300+ hexagons and stitch them together. A great activity to do with all my upcoming travel.
My first idea was to print on coloured fabric but that wasn't going to work for the design I have in mind. After some false starts I realised that I could paint the quilt top after I have pieced it so now I have decided to print three different colours of hexagons on white fabric so I have a great canvas to work with when they are done.
Hope you follow my journey.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Lisa, I am so looking forward to seeing the progress of this. Fascinating!
