Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Workshop Opportunities

I just wanted to mention a few opportunities coming up.

I am teaching my Textured Treasures Workshop at Ocean Keys Sewing Centre in Perth on 23/24 May. This is the workshop which is the basis of my Houston Exhibition and some student works from this workshop may be included in the exhibition.

We play with surface design, painting, stamping, foiling, beading etc and it is a great opportunity to try out techniques in a fun environment. A materials fee is included so you don't need to outlay lots of money for things you may decide not to use again. Spaces are very limited in this workshop so if you are interested contact Faye at Ocean Keys ASAP.

I am also teaching a workshop in Port Lincoln in SA on 16/17 July. This will be my only trip to South Australia this year  so I will also be available the following few days if any group or shop is interested in a workshop too. Travel costs can be shared with the Port Lincoln group. Contact me for more information or check out my workshop information on the website.

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