Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hemp Necklace

I have just made the Hemp Necklace Kit - one of the new kits available in out Fabulous Felts range
Above is what you get in the kit, needle, balls, hemp cord and beads and each kit is different with different balls and beads.

I cut the cord in half to have two strands. I also divided the balls and beads into two groups so that I had around the same number on each strand

I then threaded the beads and the balls in random order
You need to use the Felts Needle to easily create holes through the balls but the beads just thread easily straight on the cord.

When you have threaded it all on the cord then you then space either single beads or combinations and tie knots to lock the beads and balls in place
Space them at random - makes it more interesting
Once the first cord is full  you do the same with the other cord.
The four ends were tied together to create the necklace. A drop of white glue locks it in place.
Now that I have made one - I can see lots of possibilities for additional embellishment including lots more beads and interesting charms.
I think I would also not bother dividing everything in half. It would be just as effective to make one long one and then adjust when wearing.
This took me about an hour to do and very satisfying.

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