Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sculpture by the Sea 2011

Took a day off this week to visit the annual Sculpture by the Sea Exhibition at Bondi. The weather had not been kind to us earlier in the week - you really don't want to be walking along unfenced cliff tops in a howling gale - but the wind and rain finally left so yesterday was perfect.

See the cliff in the distance - that was about 1/2 way around the walk and I think most of Sydney (certainly apparently every school child)

 Even the seats were decorated - looked like a heavy duty webbing but certainly nicer than plain metal
 A surfing Elephant
 Who Left the Water Running was a very popular sculpture.
 I really liked these rusted metal shapes - so tactile. Unfortunately there were lots of do not touch the artwork signs. I don't remember them in the past.
 This old couple had a great collection of frogs all around them too. The old lady is holding one of them
 I always like spiral fluid shapes
 The one was entitled 'The best of Perth' - not sure why. Some didn't do much for me.
 The shark/submarine was cute - but weird
 Loved this house made out of stacked timber. Maybe they are just going to set fire it at the end of the show to save carrying it all away again.
 This fellow was about twice life size
 I liked this one
 This fellow was called - Look this Way - not sure if he was fishing or conducting but he had a great view over the beach.
All in all - a very pleasant diversion from the studio where I am planning to spend a lot of time over the next few months - but that is not a hardship. It is one of my favourite places to be.

The most interesting thing is that my first ever blog post was about the 2005 Sculpture by the Sea exhibition. 797 Posts ago - what a ride it has been!


  1. Wonderful. What a great opportunity to be able to see these artworks. Is it only for the one week or do they go on display anywhere else?

  2. Great shots Lisa. I can visualise the location now, as I did the whole walk about a month ago. I'd love to get there for the sculptures one day though.

  3. Wonderful photos of the show!

  4. LynneP5:58 AM

    This was sooooo cool. Thanks for sharing-I really enjoyed looking.
