Friday, April 6, 2012

Sun Printing

I love sunprinting and in my Textured Treasures Workshop I usually provide a selection of paints to use. I recently added KraftKolours Sun Dyes to my collection and have noticed that these get used the most so have decided to add them to our product range on the website. They might be called Sun Dyes but I have found them to be a most versatile all purpose fabric paint.
We have also recently received a new series in our popular ArtistCellar Stencil Range called Pleasantville so I decided to combine them in a sample to show you how cool they are.
 First I painted some of the Sun Dyes onto some white fabric. Green swirls first with a sponge brush
 Then some blue - these were all diluted about 50% - aren't the colours vibrant?
 Then some yellow sort of striped over the top
Then I put the Pleasantville stencils on the top. By the way - this was outside on a cloudy (but not very breezy day but I did put some weights on the corners - I could have taped them down too)
 Left them for about half an hour and this is the result - so clear aren't they?

 You just iron them to heat set the dye/paint.
 I just love these paints and stencils and of course you can get them about 24 colours (more on the way) including a very cool Sun Pearl which turns all of them into a perlescent paint. I'll be doing another sample showing you these soon.
The best part is that they are so inexpensive - the 130ml (4.4oz) bottle costs less than 1/3 the price (in Australia anyway) of the more commonly used (and imported) fabric paints. Great to see something made in Australia for a change and good to support our local manufacturers.
Check out the special prices on the website.

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