Sunday, May 26, 2013

Student Work - Rita Summers

A few years ago I taught my Textured Treasures workshop (probably one of the first times) to a fabulous group of quilters at Bicheno in Tasmania.

One of my students was Rita Summers who brought along a really great collection of inspirational objects including a coffee plunger strainer (can you see it above?)

Rita has just been published in the latest Quilting Arts Magazine and has written some really kind words about me and my influence on her work.
I was really touched and she has given me permission to to post some of her work.

The first quilt - Odyssey (above) and Doorkeepers (below) were done for my 2011 Exhibition in Houston which was one of my rewards for winning the Jewel Pearce Patterson Teaching Scholarship.

Rita also made the most incredible journals for these quilts and more detailed images can be seen on her blog 

I can't express the joy it gives me to teach and get such wonderful feedback from my students.

If you would like to do this workshop (or any of my other ones) I am now taking bookings for 2014/2015. I am also teaching a version of the workshop in my home studio in Sydney on June 29/30 and there are a couple of places left. I am also teaching it in Victoria at in2quilting on 22/23 June.

I am already booked to teach this as a three day version in Hobart 1-3 February 2014 and am looking for other venues in Tasmania around that time. If you are interested please contact me.


  1. Have read the article, wonderful work.

  2. Great article and well done Rita. It would be good to see you in Deloraine or environs, Lisa. Try Diane at Bengeo Retreat!

  3. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Rita is so very creative!
