Thursday, December 19, 2013


Sometimes you just need to play. I often see interesting techniques or ideas online or in magazines and mean to get back to them sometime but just never do.
I have some time to experiment now so today I had a go. Amazingly I actually had everything I needed, Sari yarn (have had that for years and years), sheers and even a heat gun (unused I think)
So first up I knitted some of the sari yarn with big needle
and then fused it to a piece of green cotton with Misty Fuse (love this fusible) and covered it with a few pieces of sheer polyesters
Then did some free motion quilting to hold it all together

Then I hit it with the Heat gun to melt the sheers. Took it slowly at first but it took a while so then just kept the gun close. I'm quite pleased with the overall effect but it's a bit thick. Not sure what to do with it but might try the technique again with a finer yard.



  1. Fantastic! Play time is good!

    I don't know how big your finished piece is, but this would make a lovely little bag just folded over with a zipper. Perfect when you just need your phone and some cash to run errands. :-)

  2. I love the texture in this piece and the lovely bright colours peeking through.

  3. this is beautiful!
