Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sun Printing Video

I have decided to (try and) film a video each month to be released with my Newsletter so for the last few days Peter and I have been having a lot of fun filming and editing.
Here it is - I promise our technical expertise will improve with more experience

This first one was on Sun Printing with Transparent Fabric Paints and the weather was perfect for it.

Here are some of the resulting fabrics which really are so easy to make.
I've had such lovely feedback so far on the video and am always happy to get feedback as well as suggestions for future ones.

If you want to hear about them earlier please subscribe to my Newsletter or follow me on Facebook which is where I usually announce things first.


  1. Great video, you made it sound so easy to do. Will have to give it a go. Well done Lisa and Peter, look forward to the next one. Loved the sound of the birds in the background.

  2. Great video, you made it sound so easy to do. Will have to give it a go. Well done Lisa and Peter, look forward to the next one. Loved the sound of the birds in the background.

  3. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Hi Lisa, cool video, I'm always amazed at the wonderful effects you can get. just lovely. Have a great 2014

  4. Lisa, it is a marvellous video. I loved it! Will put it into subscriptions on you tube to refer to later. Can't wait to have some fun with this. Dianne.

  5. Catherina Van Kuyk11:06 AM

    Thank you so much Lisa. That is a wonderful video it has given me a lot of confidence to have a go myself so easy to follow.

  6. Hi Lisa
    The anonymous person 2 levels ahead of you on candy crush is me!

  7. Loved this! Now I need to get some of those paints....

  8. Great video! I do a lot of sunprinting but I learned several things new from you. Thanks!

  9. Stitchers Service Station- oh great- loved the effects- very professionally produced! thanks

  10. Stitchers Service Station- oh great- loved the effects- very professionally produced! thanks
