Friday, December 29, 2006

Blog Updated

I have been playing around with a new template. Great time waster but felt like a refresh. I will be doing more but a change is as good as a holiday.
Speaking of holidays - I have been busy in the studio and trying out a few things that have been on my to do list for ages.

This is a piece I have been doing for a while. Not sure if I like it but am now calling it finished

I have also been playing around with sheers and of course beads and this is the result - if you can think of a name for either I would be grateful as I am terrible at naming my art.


Jenny Bowker said...

Gorgeous by any name.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, Love your beaded stuff. Sorry I can't think of names. Is the one a bird??? I like Jenny's "bejewelled".

Anonymous said...

I'm terrible at naming creations, too! Beautiful fabrics!!

Judy said...

I just love the beading on both but the top one is exquisite. The shading on the bottom fabric is terrific too. Is that bits of angelina under the beads? I am also not good at naming things, but love what you've done.
I enjoyed your Boxing Day photos and description. My family also celebrates Boxing Day...just one more day of entertaining, cooking, etc for me...groan. We also have trifle, but not topped with Pomegranites. I have lots of photos of our day on my blog...please feel free to visit.

Sarah Ann Smith said...

I have absolutely NO idea why, but the bottom one makes me think

Urban Windows
City windows....

The encrusted one makes me think of an aerial (sp?) photo of rice paddies.... a contour map... terraced hills and trees.......


Hugs, Sarah (PS...I get to order the Mac on Tuesday! By Jan 10 or so I should have it and be up and running??? I LOVE the Pogue book you is going to be a lifesaver! THANK YOU!!!!!)

Jamie Fingal said...

A M A Z I N G bead work! It is visually stimulating. And the colors are great too. WOW. You did good. Makes me want to break out the beads!

aykayem said...

Thinking of names for stuff is fun! (in fact my quilts etc sometimes end up with more than one name if they take a while for me to finish them!)
The first one kind of looks a bit like a fish ... maybe you could call it "something fishy"? (which also sort of ties in with the fact that you were not sure if you liked it or not)
... but I don't think you WANT to know what the second one made me think of! (all sorts of things actually - my mind is a very strange place ;-) ... it looks very interesting ... maybe you could call it "dangly bits" ?
btw - I like them both ... and most of the other stuff you have made ... lol
Andrea (disorganised in Dunlop)