Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The World is getting smaller

I spent the weekend in the country seeing a bit of Australian countryside which was amazingly dry and brown. I wish it would rain.

No this house was not inhabited - there was a big concrete slab behind it where, I suspect a modern souless brick home was planned but I think this home would have had many stories to tell.

This is what is know here as a dunny - an outside toilet - which was usually just plonked over a hole in the ground. They are famous for being a home for redback spiders. This one has seen better days.

Flying back into Sydney in the early morning was also beautiful. The windows of the little plane were a bit dirty so my images had a hazy feel.

While I was away I had a visitor from Kazakstan to my blog - how incredible to think that this person probably tripped over my blog by accident and saw a touch of Australia - I would love to know who they were and what brought them here.

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