Saturday, August 4, 2007

Rain has Stopped

That was quick but I think the bottom of the water tanks were just covered yesterday. With no more rain forcast for at least a week, it will be a long wait till they are full I think before they get a top up.

But it was perfect dyeing weather today so here are the results.

These are now on my website (with detail images too) if you are interested. These show about 1 metre (40") by the full width of the fabric which is about 1.4m (54").

We also went to a small quilt show in Camden and also a country market where we found some yummy lemon marmalade, balsamic onions and sun dried tomatoes.
I love old churchyards

This tree caught my eye with its branches spread out against the bright blue sky.


Anne said...

Hi Lisa, I love your dyed fabric! Do you dip or squirt? I can tell you've scrunched kind of linearly, but then I can't tell your method by looking. The only dyeing I do is full immersion with zip bags and one or two colors of dye stock.

Lisa Walton said...

These are done by squirting and pouring and are a lot of fun to do.