Sunday, November 2, 2008

Four Days

We have only four full days from returning from Brisbane to leaving for Adelaide for the last show of the year. Adelaide is a two day drive from Sydney so as usual - Peter will drive and I will fly. I know the Australian countryside is beautiful but I just can't sit for two days.

The house is looking like a factory again with multicoloured fabric on the line

Lovely stack of metre pieces

Beads for Aurora Kits

I am really looking forward to being in Adelaide again - we met there while working at the Theatre Company all those years ago and then lived there for three years. It is wonderful to revisit old haunts.

I am also teaching a workshop after the Show. It was a sudden decision and I am thrilled with the response and the organisation. We will be doing Aurora and I am so looking forward to seeing the results.

Meanwhile - the weeds grow higher and higher.

1 comment:

Lindi said...

Weeds? What weeds? It all looks like lush greenery to me!