Yesterday I needed to dye a colour wheel for my C&G course. This was not too difficult as I dye fabric all the time but still fun to do. I added some cotton yarn as well.
In answer to a question - I use procion dyes. This colour wheel was done using only 3 primary colours. I used 4 tsps in each cup. So 4 tsp yellow then 3 yellow/1red then 2 yellow/2 red then 1 yellow/3 red then 4 red and continue until all 12 cups are done.
Lisa, your concrete tub brings back happy memories of our housing commission house out the backblocks of Liverpool where I grew up. I know, Westie !!
I wear it proudly too, VBG.
I'm getting excited just looking at your pics, Lisa! Come the warmer weather, i can see i'll have to do some dying, but then again, maybe i'll just buy some of yours...
Wow those colours look very vibrant - are they acid or Procion?
Oooooo... I'm very envious of your sink. Your color wheel came out great!
Oh my...such yummy colors. Inspiration in the sink. Who knew? Do you get an A-HA moment every time you dye fabric?
Hi! Lisa,
Lovely colours in all those buckets, as someone with back trouble like yourself i can see how overjoyed you are to have your new sink recycled or not it will be a big help.
Stunning colour the threads too.
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