One exercise is to use Paintsticks and freezer paper stencils. You won't be surprised to hear that I have a large set of (fairly untouched) Shiva paintsticks. See my entry regarding my stash of stuff. Great thing was though, while searching for the paintsticks I found my beautiful (yes untouched) set of 30 Caran D'arche watercolour crayons which I was sure I had bought on a trip to the US but just couldn't find. I remembered procrastinating for ages about which set to buy but just couldn't remember actually buying them. I am so relieved I am not going mad!
This repeating motif is a passionfruit vine leaf - still waiting for the fruit to ripen. Traced and cutout onto freezer paper and then paintstick rubbed around edge and brushed onto fabric with an old toothbrush.
Nice effect - some thoughts are percolating for future ideas.
Next a stamp was made with a piece of thin foam and glued onto a piece of cardboard and stamped with acrylic paint in a pattern.
I am currently wrestling with a Hawaiian applique exercise which I suspect is not going to be my finest work. I have greater admiration for you appliquers out there now.
I like the exercise, leaves are fascinating things and always around us in myriad shapes and sizes
That passionfruit leaf is a wonderful shape-never thought to use one as a stamp ..Hmmmmmmmmm!! camcas
Been there. I knew I has some fabric crayons but could not find them. Bought some more then went into the inks and dyes drawer and there they were where they had been every time I had looked in this same drawer but not seen them. I think I am going 'mad'. I spend too much time looking for stuff I know I have but can't remember where I put them. Reorganising the workroom has made it worse. May have found things I forgot I had but now can't remember where I have reorganised things to!!!!
The 'age' thing.
Try painting and printing the actual leaf - you get the veins then.
This is like a trip down memory lane looking at these.....had to do this sort of thing at University for my teacher training. And you know how I don't like to have anything to do with paint!! I like the soft brush effect snd colours of the first pic. Quite subtle. Carmel
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