First I did a mixing exercise with the three colours. When I printed it, I repeated it to get a transparency effect. The holes by the way were from the steam iron.

This was a painted piece of paper which I then cut up and printed.

This was crumpled up paper then flattened out and washed with diluted inks. Then I tore up the pieces and transferred them onto fabric.
This was a quick drawing which I then transferred onto the fabric and repeated a couple of times.

Another crumpled up piece which was torn up and then layered a few times.

This time I had more success and it was quite fun. I am already thinking of some ideas to incorporate this into my quilting.
I love this City & Guilds course! It is really forcing me to do new things.
Love that one with the holes from the steam iron!!! camcas
I am gald you are both doinga dn enoying the tasks on your course. have not ha dto nag once yet :) I am also jealous - you are clearly getting pushed far more into interetsing things than we were doing the same thing. Our 'teachre; never mentioned transfer dyes. We were given a pack of fabric pens and told to draw with them for our lesson on coluring fabric. Dire!
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