I tried FW Inks, Transparent Artists Inks, Lumiere paint to no avail. Once they were dry the colour stuck fast and no amount of ironing/heat would transfer any colour at all.
Then I tried Oil Pastels and Setasrcit Fabric Markers and although a little colour transferred, not enough to call it a success. I really don't feel like buying a set of Disperse Dyes just to do one little exercise but will have to wait and see what my tutor says.
My original drawing with inks and oil pastels

Oil pastels on paper and then torn into pieces

Final piece - bit nothing isn't it?

Anyone who has done the course and would like to let me know if I should perservere with buying them. I don't really use acrylic fabrics so not sure I would want to print them.
Keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow please. I have to have another scan to see if I still have blood clots. I have had to continue the nasty injections since my last visit and would dearly like to stop.
Lisa, I've used some transfer crayons --I think they were Crayola brand (8 to a box). Of course, I can't put my hands on them at this moment.
Lisa, I don't know what the course requirements are for the type of transfer you're trying to do, but I've been successful with a couple. One is using a ceramic tile or glass which is painted with textile paint (or acrylic paint with textile medium mixed in). You then lay the piece of fabric on top and lightly smooth it down. Lift it up carefully, and you have a transfer print! You can usually get a couple of prints at least although, naturally, the second print is much lighter. I'll put an example of one that I did on my blog, so you can see what I mean.
The other method is using a printout from a laser printer. I've only tried it with a black and white printer and don't know whether it works with colour. However, you print your design onto a sheet of paper, put it face down on your fabric, and then iron it. The result I got was quite faint, so you'd need good strong lines in your design, but it's worth a try.
Hope the results of the scan were good!
Dear Lisa,
First of all good luck with your scan.
I have used Deka iron on transfer paints. They came in a pot and they were great. Jean Littlejohn and Jan Beaney have a little book on the subject "Transfer to Transform" and the results are rather spetacular. I used a lot for embroidery, but so far no much in my quilting adventures (I am into dyeing my fabrics right now, but I am sure I will use it sometime).
All the best for now.
I used the Ranger inks that Linda and Laura suggested and polyester fabrics---they worked. I needed the special ink to get them to work. Susan
have you tried printing from a printed paper bag? These are often made from the used sheets from the factories which print polyester cloth, but have loads of dye left on them. Great for printing on polyester satin or polyester velvet. hth
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