Yesterday I filmed another DVD for Quilters Companion Magazine. This time we did it a bit differently and the crew came to my new studio. I was a bit nervous trying to work out how we could fit three cameras, autocue, makeup and production staff in but we managed it. It was a bit tight but a lot of fun.
We were doing my Cutout Magic Project and the DVD will be accompanying the Nov issue of Quilters Companion Magazine.
One interesting thing was that I had to do the sewing standing up and of course as one foot was on the foot pedal I kept overbalancing.
It was a long day but I hope the dvd will look ok - always a very scary thing to do - exposing yourself to the world.
Cant wait for Nov. to roll around, I gained so much from your video on the Aurora quilt,and especially the beading, I am sure I will from this DVD too. Hooray!
Can't wait Lisa - November is such a long time to wait! I'm still beading my version of your Aurora quilt - Grand Baby quilt and Dear Jane (Lisa Jane) sort of got in the way
Your studio looks great Lisa- very tidy!!
I'm looking forward to the dvd Lisa.
Love the new look studio too.
Congratulations on having a good day and doing such a fine job!
Studio looks fabulous, lucky you. Also I can't wait for Nov for the DVD - loved the first one, but still haven't finished my Aurora quilt.
I am sure all will be fine Lisa, and I eagerly await the Nov issue!
It looks great! can't wait!
Will you be selling it separately? or do you know of a less expensive source for a magazine subscription? I'm in Montana, USA and the subscriptions I have found online are very expensive!
Thanks for all your positive comments. Yes - I will have copies of the magazine with dvd available for sale. The last one sold out which was wonderful BUT I do have about 10 copies left here just for special people......
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