Ok don't laugh but I am doing a painting class this weekend. It is an oil painting class run by Ken Harris who has a tv show on a local station but I have always been impressed at how he seems to magically create trees and skies and other things with a flick of a brush or palette knife. So when I heard about this class I signed up.
He does seem to have an ongoing theme of palm trees but I left them out of the second painting below.

Anyway - I am having fun and even Peter was a little impressed when I brought these two masterpieces home tonight. At least I am learning some techniques and it is always good to learn something new - and I got to buy some more paints and things which is always a bonus
I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
Wow! You managed those in the first lesson? Either you've some considerable skill already, or he's a miracle-worker!
Your fabric tells the story Lisa! If you can paint on fabric you can do anything!!!
JUST BEAUTIFUL! Yes I'm shouting. awesome!
WOW Lisa these are really good. I can not draw or paint to save my life, so your one step ahead there for sure.
I think that that these are totally awesome and I too would jump at being able to take a painting class! Good on you !
They all are so pretty. Yes, your painting shows how awesome you are!
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