I love my studio but in terms of workflow - it doesn't work all that well.
So yesterday we discussed what to do and decided on another desk/table at one end with all the beads moved to one area rather than scattered in a couple of areas.
I need an Office area for filling orders, a paint/play area, the all important sewing area with cutting area and ironing area and periodically an area for cutting my Fusibles which require space for the cutter and ironing and packing.
Also I get frustrated having to go to the other end of the studio for threads so they needed to come closer to the sewing machine.
We dropped into a Salvation Army store and were thrilled to find an computer desk complete with two large drawers (Ikea - Anton - discontinued but in excellent condition and about 1/3 original price) which fitted perfectly under the window. All the art materials are now in the large drawers tucked underneath (Ikea Alex) and the two desk drawers as well as in the nearby tall Alex drawers.
Beads and their shelves were moved to this end too - so it will be easier to pack bead mixes and gather supplies for latest projects.
This built in unit holds everything from half finished projects to my plastic bags for packing kits etc.
Sewing machine now is closer to the design wall (can't show the wall as it has my latest show quilt on it) but closer to the threads.
Office area now less cluttered as it is not trying to share space with paints and computer and general mess.
I bought a new bookshelf today (another trip to Ikea) and now all my books are also in the Studio instead of the 'sweatshop' where Peter does all the cutting.
I am very happy apart from the couple of accidents when bead boxes decided to come undone or slip from my hands. It is amazing how far a container of beads can spread.
And for those that comment about my apparent lack of stash - I don't have one - unless of course you count the 3000+m of hand dyed fabric that I occasionally share with you. I am also very lucky that when I need fabric I just either paint it myself or ask Peter (nicely) to dye it for me. How lucky am I?
What a great space!
It's a beautiful space, Lisa
Studio looks great.I did wonder when I saw your boxes of beads nicely stacked IF you ever had an accident. Not good.
your work area looks just great now you have no excuses
Very nice!! Looks very inviting to go into and play. Great job.
Right-that space is now officially too wonderful for one person!!!! I need to come and share it!!!
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