Friday, October 5, 2007


I have just returned from a 5 day teaching trip to Rockhampton. This Retreat is held annually and draws woman from all over Queensland although anyone is welcome. There is a great variety of workshops and you live in a local boarding school where the food is plentiful, classrooms light and airy and gardens are beautiful. The only down side was that this year the usual sleeping quarters were unavailable so we had the girls boarding house and teenage girls don't seem to need as much room in their beds as mature women. My bottom is certainly larger than the average teenager's.

I taught my Fabrications workshop over 3 days (rather than the usual two) and all the students got their quilts to the completed top and basted stage which was wonderful. It was thrilling to see their excitement when we did show and tell and I expect that all of these will be completed very soon. Only one piece of Fantasy Fabric mysteriously disappeared while drying in the garden in the sun - I wonder if a bird has a new exotic nest liner now!

Some of the completed quilts (all in my hand dyed fabrics too!)

I also ran the two day creative beading class which was a lot calmer pace (which I think was appreciated by the students) and we had many laughs. One of my students was 83 years old and I have the most sincere admiration for her. She has the best sense of humour and not only kept up with those with younger eyes and hands - was full of hysterically funny stories.
Here are two of the completed Jewel Boxes which were completed in just one morning.

If you are interested in finding out more about this Retreat which will be running in the last week of September next year - just send an email to ( and I am sure they would love to give you more info.
If you would like to find out where I am teaching these workshops they are listed on my website. I am also taking bookings for next year so feel free to contact me and I can send you some more information.

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