Saturday, March 29, 2008

Back Down to Earth

After all the excitement I have returned to Terra Firma. Actually Peter laughed so much every time he looked at me in all that makeup that I washed it all off the minute I got home. But thanks for all your positive comments - you made my day.

Anyway while we were in Paddington (where the studio was) we needed to kill a little time on the setup day so had lunch in a garden cafe. This was the most pathetic lemon tree which was in the garden near me. It was only about 1metre high and well and truely had seen better days. Check the price tag!

We also went into Dinosaur Designs which has the most beautiful jewellery but I couldn't afford any of it - even on my dvd star pay! These are a couple of shots of bracelets in the window. They certainly know how to play with colour.

We finally went to the Australian Centre for Photography where there was an exceedingly depressing exhibition of people in Russia who had been affected by Chernoble and other radiation 'pollution'. They also had the New Scientist Eureka Finalists and they were really wonderful.

On the way home we were passed by this father and son team while we were stuck in the traffic. I think Dad was doing most of the work.

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