What do you think?
It is available as a kit from my website and would make a great child's quilt or brighten up any room for that matter.
It is essentially one simple block in two sizes so a lot easier to make than you might think.
In answer to your comment CAMCAS - there are NO triangles. It is all stitch and flip method with squares and rectangles. So easy!
It looks great, Lisa. As do all your designs...
Lisa-love that dark dark blue colour!!! The only problem for me is all those triangles..... Camcas
Wonderful! Love the colors and the movement ! Good job!
Lisa - do you mean the showcase special, vol 17 no 5? that is what is listed as the current issue on the apq website?
Hi! Lisa,
Congratulations on having it in Australian Patchwork & Quilting, cant wait for my copy to arrive.
Great looking quilt! and congratulations also Bushfire Sunset being selected for inclusion in the reports on the Sydney Quilt Show 2008 in both APQ and Quilters Companion.
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