So today we went to a second hand building supplies and what a treasure trove it was.
All these rusty pieces of wrought iron - I had an overwhelming desire to wrap them in fabric and rust dye them.
This stunning garden seat took my fancy but well outside my budget.
If I needed any door plates this would definitely be the place to get them.
The fountains were amazing too.
I love how they have even built the buildings out of recycled items.
And yes - we did find a sink - actually an old concrete laundry tub that weighs a ton but it is just the thing. I will post a photo when it is in action.
Such fun - I would love to build a whole house with materials from this place.
I can just picture you stealing into the dealers' yard in the dead of night, cat burgular outfit on, with pieces of fabric which you dip in the fountains then wrap around wrought iron... and the look on the employees' faces in the morning when they are all discovered.. LOL
What an interesting and exciting place, if I had the right kind of house I'd be there fossicking for bits. The garden seats are fabulous, I know a local historic home which would love a couple of those in the garden too.
Thanks for the great photos,
Lovely pictures I'd love to get lost with a wad of cash in this yard and like you I would like to build a house of completly recycled materials.
Wow! So much inspiration on your blog. I hope you don't mind, I've nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger award, and the information / rules can be found on my blog.
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