I have had a wonderful few days - there was food, gardening, folding fabric and even time for some beading.
My garden has really suffered this year with little - ok NO - work done in it at all. Barely had time to even notice it to be truthful. So I have spent a few hours each day and have weeded and transplanted and mulched and watered so hopefully by spring we will have a colourful display which I can show you.
We went to the Eveleigh Growers Market for breakfast and had a wonderful time munching through some delicious goodies. I love Helen's Grab Your Fork Blog - she has a wonderful eating her way around Sydney. My favourite was a jar of the most delicate marinated baby figs which I am eating sparingly but they are scrumptious.
Here are some dips and spreads for sampling.
I had a cheese and mushroom and spinach blini for my official breakfast along with lots of other samples and organic apple and raspberry juice

Here are some other delicious treats. Well I thought they sounded delicious until I realised they were actually for dogs!

And yes - I did do some more beading on my quilt. These are all sewn on one at a time using seed stitch.

Lisa, You have made me quite hungry with all that lovely food, love the beading.
looks like that indian meal has influenced your beading!!Very bollywood in the sneak peek!! camcas
You are TOTALLY wicked... I'm on a major diet (that is working...17 pounds down, 14 to go... and the 17 down is since May 1st.....)
And I agree..the doggie treats sound wonderful....sigh......
Toodles, Sarah
That quilt looks good enough to eat! So rich and warm! Can't wait to see the whole thing!
Oh Yeah! Not that I am micro-planning or anything but thats where I will be sometime between 8 am and 1pm on 19th December! Thanks for the link - I love placed like this. Oh and in the gardens where our Trentham quilt show is - they have doggie icecreams.
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