I have some news which I have been absolutely bursting to tell you and am now able to.
I have been awarded the Jewel Pearce Patterson International Quilt Teacher Scholarship, Houston, USA for 2010.
Jewel Pearce Patterson was one of the founders of Quilts, Inc. and the mother of Karey Bresenhan who is the current president of this organization. Quilts Inc. sponsors three major quilt festivals and two quilt markets each year. In 1990, this organization developed a scholarship for quilting teachers and one teacher is chosen for this prestigious award. This year is even more special as it would have been the 100th birthday of Jewel Patterson and I feel especially honoured.
The scholarship covers airfare and accommodation and a full program of workshops at the 2010 Houston Quilt Market and Festival and is an opportunity of a lifetime. The following year I will be required to mount an exhibition of my work and that of my students at the Houston Quilt Festival and it also travels to the other Festivals. What an extraordinary opportunity (actually terrifyingly scary) to show my
work to so many people.
A formal announcement will be released from Quilts Inc but I have been given permission to tell my nearest and dearest quilting family before I explode with excitement.
That's fantastic news. Congratulations!!!! Well deserved.
Congratulations, Lisa- that is awesome!
Well that is exciting news! Warm congrats from me :)
Oh WOW! Congratulations, Lisa! You so deserve this. Scary, but you'll do well. Just do what you do. That's why you won, after all! :)
I am bursting with excitement for you! That's so fantastic.
That's wonderful Lisa! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations!!!! No wonder you were bursting to tell people and wanted to wait a week for the interview!!! Did you have to apply? Should be an awesome experience and your work is so good it certainly shouldn't be scary to show lots of people.
Lisa, hearty congratulations to you, and isn't it great an Aussie quilting teacher got this recognition? Try not to be intimidated by the future show, you can certainly hold your head up high in the quilting world.
PS I love the caption above this comment square, I'm getting more and more of those type of emails too !!!
Well, good on you, girl! I bet it'll be a wonderful experience.
Congratulations!!! I remember being in your first ever class in Canberra - I thought you were a natural then and now the world knows. Enjoy every minute.
WOWIE!! That is the most SPECTACULAR news! You must be on clouds 9, 10 & 11! Good for YOU!.
How wonderful!
FANTASTIC!! Lisa congratulations, that is such wonderful news!
I am going this year too...
Oh wow Lisa, what fantastic news! You must be so excited - what a year you will have! Congratulations
That is SO exciting Lisa! Congratulations!
Amazing News Lisa !!! Congratulations!!!!!!
Go for it!!!!!!
Well done Lisa! What an incredible opportunity! You deserve it! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations to you! Festival of Quilts is one of my dream places I would like to visit one year...
The scarries will go away. Once you organize everything in your mind you will be fine. Although it will be alot of work to ship everything. You are more than deserving of this wonderful award. Just take it all in your stride.
Congratulations Lisa. What a wonderful opportunity for you.
Congratulations Lisa!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done, you deserve it - you've worked hard and creatively and taught with excellence. Enjoy it, your nervousness can be productive and help you through this wonderful experience.
It is a joy to watch you just grow and grow.
Hugs, and congratulations again,
Yay you!!!
Congratulations!! It's well deserved.
huge congratulations! especially now that I see you'll be coming from Australia to Houston!! wow! fabulous.
Oh, my, congratulations, and I must say, well deserved!
Congratulations! It will be a 'stretching' experience but oh so worth it!
Congratulations Lisa. I hope to get to Houston in 2011 and look forward to seeing the fruits of your scholarship.
Well done Lisa!!! All the hard work has been worth it. Enjoy every moment of your reward, the excitement, the stress, the challenge and most of all the recognition of your work.
Well done!!!
congrats Lisa - well done - I am sure you deserve it
An exciting opportunity for you Lisa, congratulations. You go girl!
Hi Lisa, oh, so now I get who you are. I saw your post on the SAQA group, but didn't look further until now. Congratulations on winning the award! I hope to see you at quilt festival in Houston. I guess you will be soaking in all the workshops you want. Be selective and enjoy the best of what you want to learn. Take time to breathe and look around you. I live in Austin, Texas so it is a 3-4 hour drive, depending on stops.
So very proud of you and all you continue to achieve.
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