Coming back down to earth slowly after my exciting news. Thanks so much all of you who have written to me. I really appreciate you doing this and sharing my excitement.
I have just created a survey on using Hand Dyed Fabrics to help us create what you want instead of what I think you might want. Click Here to take survey
All responses will go into a draw for AUD$100 worth of Dyed & Gone to Heaven products so please take a few minutes to answer the 4 questions. They are really easy.
Above is a photo of some of the Fusible Shapes I have been cutting out over the last few days getting ready for the Australasian Quilt Convention at the end of the month. Hope to see lots of you there in Melbourne.
Hi Lisa - I tried to take your survey, but the link seems to be broken
wow Lisa, the harder you work the luckier you get. Well done. I did the survey no probs.
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