Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Workshops in England are Over

I am so sad that today is the last day of my workshop program in England.

Tonight we are off to London for some touristy stuff then to Barcelona for something completely different.

I loved the Festival of Quilts and evidently my quilt in the exhibition attracted quite a bit of attention.

My workshops here have been so much fun. I can't believe how relaxed and fun they have been. My students have been inspiring and enthusiastic and I feel so much at home here.
Jill achieved this much in our Festival of Quilts class

and this week I was thrilled to meet her again to see this finished masterpiece complete with bobbin work and beading. I would love to take this one home - it is brilliant.

I am planning to return in 2012 which, although seems forever away, will come around very fast. So if you are interested in holding a workshop in September/October 2012 it is not too early to contact me to just register your interest of to get some more information.


camcas said...

a fabulous quilt and I love how it has become a rectangle and not a square!

Judy said...


What a stunning quilt Jill made. You always seem to enjoy teaching at your workshops, must be lovely to work doing what you love.

Lorchen said...

Big, big congratulations to Jill. It was obvious in Birmingham that her piece was going to be something really special when finished. I'm struggling right now to find time to work on mine.