Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Embossing Velvet

Here is a quick and easy way to emboss velvet to get a beautiful texture in addition to the luscious feel of velvet.

I use a wooden Indian stamp. I've had a few of these sitting around doing nothing for years.

I ironed a stabilser onto the back of the velvet. I like to stitch it stabilised and if you iron on the stabiliser after you emboss it takes away a lot of the design.

Lay the velvet face down onto the stamp.
Then with my iron (steam on), iron firmly keeping the iron moving to avoid steam holes showing.
Then peel off the velvet for your lovely design.

You can also do this with silicon stamps and if you brush them with fabric paint you can emboss the painted design into the velvet too.
I put paint on the wooden stamp but, although it transferred to the velvet it also stained the wooden stamp.
Try it yourself with some of our new hand dyed velvet

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