Here are some images of my workshop at Cohuna. We did Aurora and as you can see everyone created a wonderful quilt. It was lovely to have the luxury of two days to do this (usually) one day workshop.
We spent a lot longer in the beading component and 3 of the students managed to finish all their quilting and were able to bind the quilt as well. Now they get to go home and do the relaxing beading.
Also teaching at the Cohuna Country Quilters Weekend was Michelle Hill whose class created some amazing designs. She is a very talented quilter and her presentation and quilts were truely incredible.
Oh, these are fabulous! And it is so very refreshing to see women gathered 'round the table doing hand stitching. Splendid all ---
Lovely to see the old Masonic Lodge featured - I was married in
the church next door and my grandfather's name is on the honor roll in the lodge!
Lisa-I always love the way auroras look when the edge stripsare first sewn on -before anything else the lovely colourg radation is FAB to look at. you are sooo clever to come up with that! camcas
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