We played truant again yesterday and went to the Sydney Botanic Gardens to see the Artisans in the Gardens Exhibition. This annual show is always a treat and this year was no exception
There was an additional exhibition in the Palm House of Marijke Greenway paintings. I love her work. She works in oils, acrylics and watercolours and this one was one of my favourites.
I also loved the mosaic work of Marian Shapiro

The garden furniture by Indiana Jones is always whimiscal.

The work of Julie Cooper is reminiscent of Rosalie Gascoigne.

But our favourite pieces were water features by Daniel Burgermeister which we couldn't resist so have bought a small piece which should go beautifully in our renovated/revived garden which I am pleased to say is coming along beautifully.

lots of beautiful colour inspiration there ,Lisa
Thank you for sharing this wonderful art, particularly the mosaic artist's work!
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